Granulator generally refers to a type of equipment used to convert raw materials or mixtures into granular materials. This equipment has a wide range of applications in various industrial fields, including chemicals, agriculture, food processing, pharmaceuticals, etc.


Biomass pellet machine

Biomass pellet machine, also known as a wood pellet machine, is a type of equipment designed to convert biomass materials into compact, cylindrical pellets. These pellets are a form of biofuel and can be used for various applications, including heating, electricity generation, and as a renewable energy source. The process involves compressing and densifying biomass materials into small pellets with a uniform shape and size. […]


 Sawdust pellet machine

A sawdust pellet machine, also known as a sawdust pellet mill or wood pellet mill, is a type of equipment designed to convert sawdust and other wood residues into compressed and densified pellets. These pellets are used as a renewable and eco-friendly fuel source, commonly employed in heating applications, industrial processes, and power generation. […]


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Straw pellet machine

A straw pellet machine, also known as a straw pellet mill, is a type of equipment designed to convert straw and other agricultural residues into compressed and densified pellets. These pellets serve as a renewable and eco-friendly biomass fuel source. Straw pellets are commonly used for heating applications, animal bedding, and as a feedstock for certain industrial processes. […]


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Miscellaneous wood pellet machine

The term “miscellaneous wood pellet machine” is a broad description and may refer to different types of wood pellet machines designed for various applications or incorporating unique features. Without more specific information, here are a few possibilities that could fall under the category of miscellaneous wood pellet machines: […]


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